Santídio Pereira
1996, Isaías Coelho - PI, Brazil | Vive e trabalha em São Paulo – SP, Brazil
The artist's research on woodcut increased the complexity of the practices involved in this very traditional language of art, attributing sophistication to its processes and placing it into contemporaneity. Until today, the evolution of in-depth studies in this technique allows the artist to develop original work procedures and transgress conceptual paradigms canonized by the history of art. For the artist, the woodcut does not happen from a matrix of carved wood, as the conventional technique predicts, but rather from the creation of an "art-object", conceived both for printing and as a work of art.
These objects are made through cuttings, incisions and fittings of the wood in formats that allow the juxtaposition of many pieces to create a final engraving composition. This technique also allows the artist to work on the potential of colors, through the possibilities of combining paints. Besides woodcutting, Santídio has also dedicated himself to painting, which has represented a vast field of formal experimentation in his practice. The qualities of paints, mainly offset and gouache, allow the artist to investigate the materiality of colors.
While oil-based offset paint, therefore glossy, requires more time-consuming processes and gives more density to the paintings, gouache, with an aqueous essence, allows to work on the dilution of the paints with a brush, providing less uniform effects. Brazilian Biomes, such as the Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, Cerrado and the Amazon, associated with the artist's personal imagery repertoire, currently feed his main research interests.
The diversity of shapes and colors of the elements of nature that cross his travels and experiences make up the visuality of his works, represented by different species of plants, such as bromeliads, as well as landscapes, such as hills, whose horizons bring three-dimensionality and facilitate applying chromatic nuances.
2023 Visual Arts - FAAP, São Paulo – SP, Brazil
Solo Exhibitions:
2024 Fertile Landscapes, MAM/SP - Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2023 Santídio Pereira: Un horizon végétal, Galeria Xippas, Paris, France
2023 Santídio Pereira: Da mata ao morro, Galeria Xippas, Punta del Este, Uruguay
2022 Santídio Pereira: Botany, Galeria Estação, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2022 Santídio Pereira: incisions cuts and fittings, Fundação Iberê Camargo, Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil
2020 Hills, Galeria Estação, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2019 Between two skies, b[x] Galeria, New York, USA
2018 Exhibition Program Show – Black and white, overlapping and nuances, Centro Cultural São Paulo, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2018 A look of memory: Santídio Pereira, Galeria Estação, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2016 Santídio Pereira: Colors in black and white, Galeria Estação, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Collective Exhibitions:
2025 Instituto Tomie Ohtake visits Vilma Eid Collection - In every corner, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2024 Dos Brasis: Arte e pensamento Negro, Sesc Quitandinha, Petrópolis – RJ, Brazil
2023 Siamo Foresta, Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain, Triennale di Milano, Milão, Italy
2023 Dos Brasis: Arte e pensamento Negro, SESC Belenzinho, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2023 Pedra Viva: Serra da Capivara - O grande legado de Niéde Guidon, MuBE - Museu Brasileiro da Escultura e Ecologia, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2023 - 2022 Ocupação Xilográfica, SESC Birigui, Birigui - SP, Brazil
2022 NOW, Museu Inimá de Paula, Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil
2022 Careless, Sesc Quitandinha, Petrópolis - RJ, Brazil
2022 Arrows and Tourmalines, Casa do Parque, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2022 Modernismo Desde Aqui, Paço das Artes, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2022 Varios 22, Galeria Arte 123, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2022 If you put your feet on the ground: relationships between humans and plants, MUPA - Museu de Arte Paranaense, Curitiba - PR, Brazil
2021 - 2022 Xylographically, Sesi São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2021 Xylographically, Sesi São José dos Campos, São José dos Campos - SP, Brazil
2021 Xylographically, Sesi Itapetininga, Itapetininga - SP, Brazil
2021 Xylographically, Sesi Campinas Amoreiras, Campinas - SP, Brazil
2021 Burle Marx | Santídio Pereira, Bortolami Gallery, Nwe York, USA
2021 Trees, Power Station of Art, Shangai, China
2020 Insurgencies, Emergencies and Affirmations in Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Art, Sesc São José do Rio Preto, São José do Rio Preto - SP, Brazil
2020 Nous les Arbres, Foundation Cartier pour l’art contemporian, Paris, France
2019 - 2020 Insurgencies, Emergencies and Affirmations in Contemporary Afro-Brazilian Art, Sesc Santos, Santos - SP, Brazil
2019 – 2020 Printing: Body and Landscape, Sesc Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2019 Printing: Body and Landscape, Sesc Guarulhos, Guarulhos - SP, Brazil
2019 36º Panorama of Brazilian Art: Hinterland, MAM – Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2018 - 2019 Nwe Wood, Sesc Santo Amaro, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2018 - 2019 5th Internacional Print Biennial Livio Abramo, Araraquara, SP, Brazil
Public Collections:
Acervo Sesc de Arte, São Paulo – SP, Brazil
Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros, New York, USA
Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, Paris, France
MAR - Museu de Arte do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Pinacoteca of the State of São Paulo, São Paulo – SP, Brazil
Awards, Fellowships and Residencies:
2024 Worlingham Hall Art Residency, Worlingham, Beccles, UK
2023 Caatinga Art Residency, Piauí, Brazil
2021 Piza Award, Paris, France
2020 Pantanal Agora Project, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
2019 Kaaysá Art Residency, Praia de Boiçucanga, São Sebastião - SP, Brazil
2019 AnnexB Art Residency, New York, USA
Public Collection:
2024 Santídio Pereira Landscapes, MAM - Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2023 DOS BRASIS: Arte e Pensamento Negro, Sesc-SP, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2023 Siamo Foresta, Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain e Triennale di Milano, Editora Nava Press, Milão, Italy
2022 Santídio Pereira: Botany, Galeria Estação, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2022 Santídio Pereira: Incisions cuts and fittings, Fundação Iberê Camargo, Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil
2021 “Trees”, Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain e Power Station of Art, Editora Shangai People’s Fine Arts, Shangai, China
2019 Printing: Body and Landscape, Claudio Mubarac, Sesc, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2019 Bom crioulo, Adolfo Caminha, Editora Todavia, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2019 "Trees", Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, Editora EBS, Verona, Italy
2018 Brazilian Folk Art: contemporary perspective, Germana Monte-Mór, Vilma Eid, WMF Martins Fontes, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2018 Santídio Pereira – A perspective from memory, Luisa Duarte, Vilma Eid, Lis Gráfica, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2016 Santídio, Rodrigo Naves, Lis Gráfica, São Paulo - SP, Brazil