Eduardo Ver
1979, Sao Paulo, Brazil | Lives and works in Sao Paulo, Brazil
From a very young age, Eduardo Ver has practiced drawing as a playful tool to connect with other stories. His interest in woodcuts, his main research focus, aroused from his experience at the Cruzeiro do Sul University (Sao Paulo), in the early 2000s. It was also during this period that the artist showed up at the door of Piratininga Atelier, where he worked for more than seven years, until 2012. Under the guidance of the engraver artist Ernesto Bonato, Eduardo Ver has improved in the technique and production of engraving, therefore finding the practice that would guide him in his trajectory as an artist.
Eduardo Ver’s technique applies many layers of printing on one paper, that is, for each xylography, he produces several matrices, which are superimposed until reaching a certain degree of three-dimensionality. According to the artist, the aim is to give rhythm to the works, making all its elements coexist in harmony, in a true state of fraternization. The “magic” of this procedural complexity provides the spectator with a kind of visual trance experience, proposed by the artist to establish a direct relationship with the rituals of Umbanda, a religion of African and Brazilian origin, which holds the same syncretism that is identified in the work of Eduardo Ver.
This mixture of references in the artist's works is usually associated with elements of nature, such as plants and animals, figures of Orixas and Catholic saints, in addition to allegorical objects. Symbols of Sacred Geometry are also identified, along with others that allude both to the indigenous people of Brazil, as well as to Sufism, the mystical religion of Islam, such as arabesques, for example. To all this diversified cultural inventory, the artist attributes an elegant palette of colours, inspired by the exercises of observation of the plants that he finds in nature and in the flower shops close to his residence, in the East region of São Paulo city.
In his almost twenty years of artistic production, Eduardo Ver has developed a very original conceptual pace and a refined technical and formal precision, much of which he acquired from his experience with graphic projects. In his studio, which he calls “Gráfica trabalhando em silêncio” [working in silence print shop], he produces illustrations for publications, such as string books and posters, among others, which can be found in the urban areas of Sao Paulo.
Eduardo Ver - Valter Eduardo Flávio da Silva
1979, São Paulo – Brazil
2006 Visual Arts, Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2024 Sacro Ofício, Espaço Força e Luz, Energia Cultural, Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil
2023 The Geometry and the Sacred, Galeria Estação, São Paulo – SP, Brazil
2019 Working in Silence - Casa da Árvore, Campinas - SP, Brazil
2017 The Yellow Band reaches Sacred Ethiopia, CineSesc, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2017 Ferryman, Sesc Jundiaí, Jundiaí - SP, Brazil
2017 Crossing Arrivel, Museu Casa da Xilogravura, Campos do Jordão - SP, Brazil
2017 Gaya, Sesc Belenzinho, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2016 Sacro Ofício, Centro Cultural da Penha, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2015 10 years of Eduardo Ver's Engravings, Museu Casa da Xilogravura, Campos de Jordão - SP, Brazil
2015 Yara e a Banda, Galeria Mezanino, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2015 Sacro Ofício Procissão, Sesc Santana, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2014 Kundalini The Protection, Sesc Ipiranga, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2014 Roots, Sesc Itaquera, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2014 Crossing III O Encanto da Sereia, Sesc Itaquera, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2013 Crossing II A Embarcação, Sesc São Carlos, São Carlos - SP, Brazil
2012 Crossing I Encontro com o Peixe Misterioso, Sesc Consolação, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2011 Summons of Eternity, Galeria Gravura Brasileira, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2010 Edición Número Cero, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam , Havana, Cuba
2010 The Brown Loom of Eduardo Ver, Atelier Piratininga, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2009 Lambe Lambe Posters - Sesc Pompéia, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2009 Poetry in Motion, Sesc Interlagos, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2008 Poetry in Motion, Sesc Pompéia, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2023 Mothers in the Imaginary of Art, Museu Afro Brasil Emanoel Araújo, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2022 Modernism from Here, Paço das Artes, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2021 The Biennial of Illustration Bratislava, Bratislava, Eslováquia
2019 Xilo Corpo e Paisagem, Sesc Pinheiros, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2019 Xilo Corpo e Paisagem - Sesc Guarulhos, Guarulhos - SP, Brazil
2019 Landscapes of Piratininga, Galeria Lona, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2018 Fourteenth Naive Art Biennial of Brazil, Sesc Piracicaba, Piracicaba - SP, Brazil
2016 The Best of each, Galeria Mezanino, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2014 Third Engraving Biennial Lívio Abramo (Menção Honrosa), Araraquara - SP, Brazil
2014 6X6 Gravuras, Laboratório das Artes, Franca - SP, Brazil
2013 Atelier Piratininga 20 anos, Galeria Gravura Brasileira, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2013 Décima Sexta Bienale Internationale de La Gravure de Sarcelles, Sarcelles, France
2012 The Studio, Galeria Mezanino, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2011 Décima Quinta Bienale Internationale de La Gravure de Sarcelles, Sarcelles, France
2011 Quinta Bienal de Gravura Olho Latino, Centro de Convenções e Eventos Victor Brecheret (Menção Honrosa), Atibaia - SP, Brazil
2011 Bienal Internacional de Gravura de Santos, Santos - SP, Brazil
2009 Folk Art, Contemporary Art, Sala Sosunc, Neuquén, Argentina
2009 Projeto Ser y Grafia, Turbo Galeria, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2016 Outstanding Acquisition Award at the Thirteenth Naive Art Biennial of Brazil, Sesc Piracicaba, Piracicaba - SP, Brazil
2023 The Geometry and the Sacred, Galeria Estação, São Paulo - SP Brazil
2022 Modernism from Here, Paço das Artes, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2021 28° Bienàle Ilustracií Bratislava, Bratislava Castle, Bratislava, Eslováquia
2018 Bienal Naifs, SESC Piracicaba, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2016 Bienal Naifs – SESC Piracicaba, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2012 Espaço Cultural Vagas, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
2011 15° Biennale internationale de la gravure de Sarcelles, Sarcelles, France